Join Goldilocks as she discovers the cottage of the famous Three Bears in the heart of the enchanted forest. However, this tale takes an unexpected twist as the bears and their new friend venture into the dazzling world of the circus. Their joy is short-lived when they encounter the evil rival circus owner, threatening to destroy their beloved Big Top. Will Goldilocks and the Three Bears work together to overcome challenges and triumph against all odds? There’s only one way to find out…
This magical pantomime features Amazing Circus Acts, Great Songs, Dazzling Dance Routines, Stunning Scenery, Beautiful Costumes and Lots Of Laughs – It will be an unforgettable experience for children and adults alike.
Don’t miss your chance to experience the magic of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”! It’s a pantomime you won’t want to miss!
If you or members of your party would love to enjoy the magic of pantomime but would prefer to watch in a quieter setting then book tickets for our Relaxed Performance. This is a specifically adapted version of the show, modified for adults and children who have autism, sensory communication disorders or learning difficulties. It can also be more suitable for those who have dementia or those who just prefer a lighter environment and fewer bangs.
The script stays the same and the entertainment is no less so there’s plenty of fun to be had.
If you have any specific questions about what this performance entails please call our Theatre Enquiries on 01952 382370.
Band A: Adult £23.50 Child/Concession £19.50 Family of 4 £76
Band B: Adult £20.50 Child/Concession £18.50 Family of 4 £72
Band C (restricted view): Adult £18.00 Child/Concession £16.00
Groups 10+ £16.50
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Where applicable, advertised ticket prices are inclusive of a venue levy, retained by the venue to maintain our programme of arts and entertainment.