Adults Essential Companion Scheme

Adults Essential Companion Scheme

For adults who need the assistance of a companion to access services at Telford Theatre

Telford Theatre and Telford & Wrekin Council are firmly committed to enabling all their patrons to equally participate, with dignity and respect, in all events at Telford Theatre. Telford Theatre operates this scheme for adults who, within the scope of the Equality Act 2010, need someone to be present to assist them in accessing the services/facilities at Telford Theatre. For the purposes of this document, this person is known as an Essential Companion.

The Essential Companion is someone who is able to help the person with a disability, by the means of mobility or guidance, to use and enjoy the services at Telford Theatre. The aim of the scheme is to facilitate the safety and enjoyment of the person with a disability.

The Essential Companion should familiarise themselves with the layout of the theatre and the location of services. They should liaise with Telford Theatre staff if the person with a disability requires assistance, and take instructions should there be a need to evacuate the building. The Essential Companion is required to attend to the needs of the person with a disability at all times whilst on the premises.

The scheme allows members to obtain a ticket, free of charge, for the Essential Companion. To join, the person with a disability, or their appointed representative, must complete  the application form below. The contact details on the form should be those of the person with a disability not of the Essential Companion.

The membership scheme is not open to, or intended for, those who simply require a companion/friend to assist with transportation to and from the venue.

As we are a publicly funded organisation, we require you to declare that the benefits of membership will be used within the terms set out here.

The information you share helps us to provide a better service for you.  It is protected by the General Data Protection Regulations and will be used only for the purpose set out here.
Telford Theatre cannot provide unlimited access to its shows and events and therefore the allocation of places will be determined by the capacity for each event and provided on a first come first served basis.

Please complete the form below.  If you have difficulty completing the form, or would like more information, please contact Theatre Enquiries on 01952 382370. 

Essential Companion Form

  • Enter your title here
  • Enter your first name here
  • Enter your last name here
  • Enter your full address, including the postcode
  • Enter your phone or mobile number here
  • Enter your email address